
Phone Masking

Call Forwarding



TurboTenant - A vertical SAAS, embedded finance platform that empowers independent landlords to manage and grow their businesses.


Raj, Product Manager
Dani, Lead Engineer
Rodrigo, Engineer


User Testing
UX/UI Design


We heard from Customer Experience that having a hidden phone number to post along with a rental listing is an often requested feature. They would recommend a Google Voice number, but TurboTenant saw this as a possible revenue-producing feature.

High-Level Goals

  • Increase trust and comfort of landlords posting via our marketing feature

  • Objective: Increase the percentage of our landlords who fall into the SAAS or Payments segment by 20%

  • KR: Get the average Premium adoption rate for the Q2 customer cohorts to over 40% beating the Q2 2022 average of 37%


Research & Insights


To understand how much interest landlords had in a call forwarding or phone masking feature we implemented a fake door link when landlords were updating the phone number in their account. This fake door link popped a survey that first explained our idea of the new feature with questions such as rating interest level, willingness to pay, etc. We found that 71% of respondents were extremely interested and 19% were interested.

I’m assuming we would only pay for the month that the listing is actively available. In that case, $9 is no problem and I would be happy to pay for my privacy!
I also like the fact that I can avoid answering telemarketing calls since now I have to answer every random number that calls me because it might be a lead.

Competitor Analysis & Testing

Looking at Google Voice, RentRedi,, TenantCloud, and plenty of other SAAS companies to review pricing presentation and onboarding flows, we chose to present call forwarding in two different ways and run a test to gauge performance. Number one was to present call forwarding when the user had to enter a phone number to verify their account. Number two was after the completion of the listing creation when we presented a premium pricing modal.


Phone verification flow before call forwarding is introduced


Iterations & Feedback


Working closely with Raj and Rodrigo, we showed the earliest iterations to the TurboTenant Product Team for initial feedback. We tried a few different variations around the phone verification step and the in-product marketing page for Call Forwarding.

While we were workshopping early Call Forwarding designs, we were also working on revamping the premium modal to include Call Forwarding and separating specific features based on where landlords were in their journey.


First Iteration Call Forwarding - Medium Fidelity

Option A - checkbox to indicate interest in call forwarding

Option B - separating ‘verifying’ phone number and ‘listing’ phone number


Second Iteration Call Forwarding - Medium Fidelity

Updates to the in-product marketing page and a more discreet option to represent Call Forwarding


Final Call Forwarding Entire Flow

For initial release, we kept the test where users with an odd user ID saw the same phone verification steps as before release and were only introduced to marketing call forwarding after marketing was on. We did this to reduce risk of marketing conversion with the idea that telling landlords their phone number will be public might scare them away from clicking PUBLISH.

In-product marketing page v1

Final In-product marketing page


Shipping MVP

TurboTenant Maintenance Plus

Before we were able to release Maintenance Plus, the ARR product, we first released an update to the Maintenance Index and Maintenance Request Overview pages.  From the user feedback we heard, we added the ability to add notes, updates to activities, additional statuses, the ability to star/favorite requests, and increased user experience. 


1. Verification step with all the good stuff


Marketing turned on success modal with call forwarding listed.


Activation Modal

Number activated

Test call successful


Launch & Impact

How does Call Forwarding make money?

Call Forwarding is only available to new users who purchase TurboTenant’s ARR Premium subscription.